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Quiver Medic

Plavann Lite


PlaVann PLA+HA is an autologous tissue regenerative collagen booster that combines PLLA and hyaluronic acid found in human skin tissue.

Volume Lite PlaVann Lite (PLLA 42.5mg + HA 7.5mg) For Stimulatting Collagen

PlaVann Lite is a combination of PLLA and HA. This is an autologous tissue regenerative collagen booster. When injected into facial wrinkles, PLLA microparticles regenerate collagen and fill the subcutaneous area which helps improve skin texture and wrinkles PLLA Size: 30-SOµm {050)

PlaVann PLA+HA Special Features of PlaVann

 The particle size of PLA'VANN is 30-SOµm (050), the size is appropriate and it is round

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