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Hitox 100u - Filler Lux™ - Botulinumtoxin - BMI Korea
BMI Korea

Hitox 100u


HITOX is a Type A Clostridium Botulinum Toxin and is commonly known as Botox. It is used to get rid of any type of fine lines and wrinkles, including deep wrinkles and Glabellar Lines. 

HITOX can help you achieve smoother and more flawless skin. Each Vial of this Type A Clostridium Botulinum Toxin contains 100 Units.


Optimum Safety and Efficacy

Tests and clinical trials have been conducted, and HITOX has passed all of this.

Excellent Quality and Stability

HITOX went through strict clinical trials to ensure that the stability and potency of HITOX are top-notch. 

Smoothes Out Wrinkles

HITOX smoothes fine lines and wrinkles to give you young-looking skin.

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