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PRX - T33 - Filler Lux™ - PEELING - Filler Lux™


From $78.80

PRX-T33 is a facial peel that uses a special combination of ingredients to achieve a younger-looking skin. It is applied without needles and targets scars, wrinkles, stretch marks, and uneven skin tone. Unlike traditional TCA peels, PRX-T33 is gentler on the skin because of its unique formula. This formula also allows the treatment to be done throughout the year without any risk of sun sensitivity. While you may see some improvement right away, the best results typically come after two or three sessions.

Here are some of the key benefits of PRX-T33 treatment:

PRX-T33 is a needle-free facial peel treatment designed to prevent aging of the skin by diminishing scars, wrinkles, stretch marks, and melasma. PRX-T33 consists of a combination of trichloroacetic acid (TCA), kojic acid, and hydrogen peroxide, which helps to stimulate skin cell renewal and boosts the production of skin growth factors.

In addition, it is gentler than a traditional TCA treatment due to its unique formula. The active substances help to restore the skin’s natural radiance without causing any frosting of the skin. The treatment can be performed in all seasons without photosensitivity risk. The results obtained with PRX-T33 are immediate but the greatest benefits are visible after 2-3 sessions.


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