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Juvederm Skinvive KR - Filler Lux™ - DERMAL FILLERS - Juvederm

Juvederm Skinvive KR


SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® helps the skin retain its natural moisture and softness leading to an improvement in the skin smoothness of the cheeks.

In clinical studies, patients who were treated with SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® also reported high satisfaction with how glowing, hydrated, refreshed, and healthy their skin looked through 6 months. 

SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® Injectable Gel is an intradermal injection to improve facial skin smoothness of the cheeks in adults over the age of 21.

Are there any reasons why I should not receive SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® injectable gel treatment?
Do not use this product if you have a history of severe reactions (anaphylaxis) or history or presence of multiple severe allergies or if you are allergic to lidocaine or the Gram-positive bacterial proteins used in this product, or if you have had previous allergic reactions to hyaluronic acid fillers.

What warnings should my doctor advise me about?

What precautions should my doctor advise me about?

What are the possible side effects of treatment?
The most commonly reported side effects were redness, lumps/bumps, swelling, bruising, pain, tenderness, firmness, discoloration and itching. Most side effects will resolve within 7 days. If they persist longer, your physician may choose to treat them with medications, such as antibiotics, steroids, or hyaluronidase. Additionally, there have been reports of inflammation, nodules, unsatisfactory result, loss or lack of improvement, allergic reaction, anxiety, blood vessel blockage, infection, dry skin, increase or decrease in sensation, and abscess.

Delayed-onset inflammation near the site of dermal filler injections is one of the known adverse events associated with dermal fillers. As with all skin injection procedures, there is a risk of infection.

SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® is available only by a licensed physician or properly licensed practitioner.

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